

Wind goes fast in Ireland. That must be why time and days seem run to far, far away.

Heart fulls

This much love will need a several spaces to be accommodate. Maybe a house, but not a big one. Just a simple place, with a small vegetable garden, a cosy living room, and little corners to meditate and to keep some musical instruments. Besides that, this much love will need extra help to carry it. Maybe two more people, but not just anybody. They must be someone like us --easy-going, fun, passionate about the simple things of life, and better still if they have your dimples. Yes, I have my heart completely full and set on you. Would like to share this much love with me?


What Dictionary says: small hollow in cheek. What Afonso Cruz says: a muscle devoted to laughter. What I say: I love you.

Imperfect poetry

Had or have had a stone in the middle of the path from past simple to present perfect? (Sorry, Carlos Drummond de Andrade.)

E o problema não tá no Waze

A vida é um caminhão de mudança transportando dezenas de louças de cristal, sem plástico bolha, por ruas completamente esburacadas, a 100 km/h. Passamos o tempo recolhendo cacos e aprendendo a não se cortar entre um estilhaço e outro. Tentando colar os pedaços numa esperança infatigável de recomeçar. E quando, refeitos de si mesmos, voltamos ao volante, a primeira pergunta que nos fazemos é: onde comprar plástico bolha? Determinados a encontrar, seguimos em frente. E seguimos resolutos. Mas na primeira esquina, acabamos nos perdendo. De novo.


Nada para. Nada fica. Nada dura. Tudo são fissuras.